When you have time to read two books by The Arbinger Institute, they will encourage you to take a minute and ask yourself these questions to see if you are currently the right fit with your company.
- Is there good chemistry between you and your company?
- Are your goals aligned?
- What challenge do you and your company solve for your clients?
- Do you add value to your company's current state of affairs?
- Together, will you and your company create more value for your clients?
- Are each of you (you and your company) advocates of each other's services and contributions?
- Can your clients state your and your company's value proposition?
If you can't answer these questions affirmatively, ask yourself about your commitment to your company and yourself.
When you find yourself no longer committed, engaged, motivated and looking forward to working as a team, it is hard to focus on getting your company's and your individual professional results.
Remember when you first desired to be part of the company. You gathered company and employee information, you talked to others, you were excited about the interview and the possibilities. Once hired, remember your attitude about the company, your teammates, your capabilities and your potential contributions, and the amazing future results from working together.
Do you still get up each morning with that "can do" or "win-win" attitude? Attitude is everything. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, either way, you are probably right."
When you help other people with your best, you honor our own values (instincts). You honor our instincts when you work in perfect harmony with yourself and others. You are proud of your work product, you enjoy relationships, and you are thankful for the people and the work. You do your best to help the company and the people within it to achieve results. As Red McCombs says, "(You) expect to win, prepare to win, and execute to win."
When you betray your values, the books say, "People who formerly were committed, engaged, motivated, looking forward to working as a team, ... now have problems in many of these areas. And who do you suppose they (you) think caused those problems?" Is it you or is it others?
Do you see yourself as a victim, hardworking, good, fair, unappreciated? Do you see other workers as lazy and inconsiderate? If so, the books go on to suggest that you may be the one who needs to change in order to experience explosive growth in your firm (company)." "Business don't grow, people do."
It is called, "Operation: Eliminating the Blame Game." Begin again to take ownership of your behavior. Live your strengths, and help others build theirs. "When we examine our strengths and constantly help those around us to know their strengths and build on them, success will come our way." Match your values (instincts) and goals to reach your dreams while challenging your limiting beliefs about your capabilities, your opportunities. It is time to face your fears.
Your success and the art of achieving results depends on your ability to honor your instincts and take responsibility for your actions, your attitude, and your choices. Confidence and courage grow when you are at peace with yourself and know you are doing the right thing, all the time, every time.
And when you get a chance, the two books by The Arbinger Institute, Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box and The Anatomy of Peace:Resolving the Heart of Conflict are excellent, easy, inspirational reads.
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